Each year, the Town of Antigonish provides funding to community groups and organizations with the intent of enabling and encouraging citizen involvement in the community and civic events. The Town administers operating grants and in-kind grants (e.g. to borrow equipment, for use of staff time, or for use of Town services). The grants administration process is managed by our Recreation Department and is dictated by our Community Grants Policy. All final funding decisions are made by Town Council.
How to Apply:
Applications for a 2024-2025 Community Grant will be accepted between January 2, 2024 and Febuary 28, 2024.
pdf (200 KB) To access the PDF version and print this form, pdf click here (243 KB) . Printed forms can also be picked up at the front counter at Town Hall.
What is the purpose of the Town of Antigonish Grant Program?
The Town aims to support community-based organizations to create a range of community vents, services and projects/programs that respond to the changing needs of our community. The Community Grants Program supports projects that advance the goals and actions outlined in the Town’s Municipal Planning Strategy that focus on physical, environmental, economic, social and cultural development.
Who can apply?
Applications will be accepted from local, non-profit community-based organizations that have a CRA/Business number and/or are registered with the Registry of Joint Stocks.
Who Cannot Apply?
- Individuals
- Federal, Provincial or Municipal government agencies, school boards or other Educational Institutions;
- Organizations with Political Affiliations;
- Hospitals, clinic-based services, or medical treatment programs;
- Profit-based organizations;
- Fundraising events;
- Organizations seeking assistance in funding deficits;
- Projects outside of Antigonish;
- Applicants who failed to submit a final report from the previous year.
More Information:
For information regarding our Community Grants Policy, eligibility, and the application process, please contact our Recreation Department for more information at: 902-863-7612.
2023-2024 Grant Recipients
For a complete listing of all grant recipients for the 2023-2024 year, pdf click here. (200 KB)