Under Section 369 of the Municipal Government Act, Municipal Units within Nova Scotia are required to periodically conduct a study into the reasonableness and fairness of the number of councillors and the boundaries of its polling districts. The Town of Antigonish has six (6) councillors, all of whom are elected at large.
The Mayor and Council for the Town of Antigonish are requesting any and all comments from its citizens, both favourable and not favourable, in regard to our existing elected structure. In addition, any recommendations in regard to the number of councillors or the establishment of polling districts within the town would be most welcome.
Comments and recommendations should be forwarded to the undersigned by e-mail or regular mail, by 4:30 p.m. on September 11, 2023, at the address below.
Also, anyone wishing to make a formal presentation to Town Council on this matter please contact the undersigned.
Jeff Lawrence
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Antigonish
274 Main Street
Antigonish, NS
B2G 2C4
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